Contact ALH Roofing

How can we help?

Contact us and tell us what’s going on with your home. We’ll be in touch with you soon!

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What’s next?

1. Inspect

Complete a thorough inspection of your roof. We’ll also get to know you and your needs on how we can best serve you.

2. Present results

Based on our findings, we sit down with you and discuss what we saw and answer any questions.

3. Make a recommendation

Maybe you need a repair, or maybe you need a roof replacement. Either way, we walk you through the process and all of your options.

4. Get to work

With a signed contract, we’ll get you in our books asap to complete your project.

5. Complete the job

When the job is completed, we perform another inspection and take photos to show you the finished product.

6. Follow up

Your satisfaction is our priority. Even after the job is finished and the crew has gone home, we will check in to see how everything is going. That’s the ALH promise!